SDG 1: No Poverty
Fighting poverty is one of the major priorities of the event. We look at the barrier to entry to businesses by the youth, women and persons with disability. We bring on board a rich panel to discuss the Opportunities that SMEs have in the region and also try to solve the questions of access to capital by the SMEs.

SDG 2: No Hunger
The goal of every human is to have a decent meal at the end of the day for them and their families. It has been difficult, especially due to the different climatic changes and reliance on old farming technologies. Through interaction and exhibition of new and modern farming methods, we are hopeful our farmers will be able to get new methods of farming and new crops to help improve the harvested basket.

SDG 8: Decent work and Economic growth
As an enabler, Mt Kenya hub seeks to give a chance to get closer to SDG Number 8. Economic empowerment of local businesses opens up a chance for participants to explore more opportunities that can be exploited. This will be done through a series of panel discussions.

SDG 15: Life on Land
Taking care of our environment is the duty of each and every one of us, how we relate with nature dictates how it treats us in return. Climate change has been brought on by the unfriendly activities of human beings. It’s not too late to get back and save the future for newer generations. During the weeklong event, we will seek the guidance of experts on how we can get back to being
in co-existence with our environment. We look at how we have affected our forests and how we can restore them, what are the factors that affect the climatic change and the current and future
effects of global warming.

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